3 Delicious Foods To Assist Your Weight Loss

  • By: admin
  • October 12, 2014

Our last article focused on the best veggies to add to your diet if you’re looking for a good health and fitness plan. Since many people workout to lose weight instead, that often means they’re watching the calories that they consume.

There are foods that help you lose weight by making you feel satiated for a longer period of time than other foods, which in turn will help control any additional cravings. Then there are foods that help increase your metabolism which keep your body burning fat throughout the day.

strong veggies

Read on to find some delicious foods to keep in your diet.

1. Julienne Veggies

Julienne vegetables let you have your “cheat foods” while adding more vegetables to your diet and assist in suppressing your
calorie intake. Julienne vegetables are a great alternative to traditional pastas and have the benefits of being nutritionally balanced as well as gluten free. You can simply add some broth or pesto sauce for some flavour.

2. Nuts

Who says you can’t have snacks on a diet? Raw nuts such as walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts and almonds are a great and nutritious snack which have many health benefits such as assisting in weight management and lowering cholesterol. Eating them in their raw state preserves all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that these nuts have to offer.

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruit can assist you in losing weight, and it’s great if you’re a diabetic.

Eating half a grapefruit prior to a meal has been found to help obese people lose around 3.5 pounds in a 12 week period.

Warning: Steer clear of grapefruit and/or grapefruit juice if you are on any prescripted medications. Make sure to speak with a doctor or pharmacist prior to consuming grapefruit to ensure there are no interactions with your medication.

On a healthy note, be sure to load up your shopping cart with lots of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, proteins and whole grains. Don’t just focus on shedding the weight off but also maintaining it by managing what you eat and being consistent. For more information on diet and nutrition sign up for our F9 meal plan by becoming a member of Pro Trainer Live.

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