When we think about sculpting the arms using at home arm workouts, we usually don’t figure it is possible without weights. However you can sculpt and tone your arms using a few simple body weight exercises from the comfort of your own home. Of course if you are looking to build your arms into 20″ pythons then you would most definitely need to use progressive load training, in other words weights. For the purpose of this article lets focus on the exercises that are doable at home without the use of any dumbells or barbells. There are several creative ways of working out your arms at home, here are a few exercises that can help you get leaner arms:
Push-ups: Push-ups are a great all round upper body exercise and can help shape your triceps, the large muscles on the back of your upper arm. Due to the pushing and lowering action your triceps get a great workout from doing push-ups. There are a couple of variations in the push-up exercise you can do to target more of your triceps. Regular push-ups take a wide stance with the arms, but close grip push-ups target the upper arms more so than regular push-ups. Keeping your hands closer together will force you to use more triceps strength to push your body up and thus causing a greater net effect on your arms than your chest.
Dips: Dips are great for at home arm workouts. All you need is a stable platform like a chair or even a step. Simply put your palms on the chair or step behind you, with your legs stretched out and fixed in from of you and raise your body up and down using your arms. Again targeting the triceps part of your arms.
Chin-ups: Chin-ups are one of the best exercises for your arms. However this is one exercise that can only be done by people who have the upper body strength to perform them safely. Besides you would also need a safe and secure chin-up bar installed somewhere in your home. The chin-up can really work your biceps and forearms well. The grip strength alone is great for the forearms and when you perform the pulling action you really give the biceps a great workout.
Arm Wrestling: This is an unusual method, but highly effective at targeting both the biceps and triceps of each arm. As the title says you arm wrestle with your arms using one arm to pull and the other to push. For example contact each hands palm into the other and brace yourself. Lets pretend you want to curl using your right arm and push using the left. As you curl your right arm up, you resist by pushing down with the left arm. Do a few reps or multiple reps. This exercise allows you to control how much pressure each arm gets, keeping you in complete control. You can work out both arms using this method. In fact this is the best exercise for sculpting arms with no weights. The weight resistance comes from your own arms strength and allows you to progress at your maximum or minimum levels of strength.
Use these four at home arm workouts to help shape and sculpt your arms at home without weights. Remember these are beginner exercises to help you find a solution to getting a great workout with the absence of equipment. For more information about healthy nutrition and workouts from home with the help of an online personal trainer sign up for our free 30 day trial here.
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