Protein is extremely crucial in order to build up your muscles. It promotes satiety, assisting weight loss efforts by making you feel full. It also helps your body allocate some muscle tissue when you’re on a lower calorie diet.
Chicken, beef, and fish all contain high contents of protein and are essentially carb free. Utilizing these meats for protein is the best option since your body cannot produce the nutrients by itself. And you won’t grow tired of just one.
But certain aspects of your life, such as medical issues, your body type and your goals, may make some meats better than others for you. This relates more to the fat and calorie content.
1. Chicken
White chicken meat has low fat content but lots of protein. Chicken, which is similar to filet mignon, has a variety of nutritional profiles, where you will find the fat content anywhere between 1 – 6 grams in a 4oz skinless chicken breast. You will find 6 – 12 grams of fat in an equal serving of dark meat. The skin of chicken meat holds a lot of unnecessary fat as well as calories that you don’t need. If you want healthier fat, get it from coconut or olive oil, avocado, or nuts.
2. Beef
A cow’s meat contains more fat than meat from fish and chicken. However, depending how the cow has been fed, the fat created is different. For instance, grain-fed cows have more fat overall than grass-fed cows, but less omega-3 fats. And as we mentioned last week, omega-3 is good as an anti-inflammatory, and may also help you build up muscle while burning off fat.
Some of the leanest cuts you can get are (in 3.5oz servings):
5.4 grams fat – Sirloin tip side steaks
7 grams of fat – Eye of round steak or roast
7.6 grams of fat – Top round steak or roast
10.6 grams of fat – Top sirloin steaks
11 grams of fat – Bottom round steak or roast
Rib-eye (37.6 grams) and T-bone (25.6 grams) steaks are the fatty
cuts. Back to the filet mignon, you may find anywhere between 3 – 15+
grams of fat.
3. Fish
Fish is the healthiest protein choice on the list. Cold-water fish that are fattier, often contain lots of omega-3 fat, which is great for your heart and muscles. On the other hand, wild fish usually has a better fat profile compared to farm-raised, like salmon. Keep in mind that a high amount of fat, even though it’s healthy, still has a high amount of calories. So if you’re dieting, read the labels.
Protein is essential for body building or dieting. Enjoy a wide variety and tailor them to meet your goals. High fat contents are good if you want lower carbs, while lean meats are lower in fat. But above all, make sure you’re eating within a healthy balance. To learn more about diet and nutrition sign up for a 7 day free trial of our T5 Training and F9 Nutrition program.
3 Veggies You Really Should Add To Your Grocery Basket
Contrary to the belief of a certain NFL star, vegetables do not make you weak. But after Colin Kaepernick said they do on Instagram, parents struggled even more at getting their kids to eat them.
There are quite a few famous athletes who would disagree with Colin. NFL’s Joe Namath, tennis player Martina Navratilova, MLB’s Prince Fielder, and more are, or were, vegetarians. You don’t need to eat just veggies though. But make room for the 3 vegetables that should be an essential part of your diet.
Veggies Are Great Multivitamins
Vitamins and minerals that are found in veggies are necessary for your overall health as well as muscle growth. Over-the-counter multivitamins can’t compare to the nutrition that vegetables will give you. Having a diversity of colorful veggies is your best option. They’ll help protect you from unstable free radicals as well as inflammation. Green vegetables contain vitamin B which converts your food into energy (and does more), for example. Other vitamins and minerals facilitate numerous chemical reactions within your body. And antioxidants will decrease your inflammation and relieve stress and other muscle cell damages you may have from training.
You could buy antioxidant supplements, but use them as supplements, don’t just rely on them.
Fun Tip: The colour of a vegetable will let you know the array of its’ antioxidants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, polyphenols, and carotenoids. Having green, red, yellow, as well as other colored veggies will give you the best benefits.
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