Full-Body Workouts In Just One Minute

  • By: admin
  • August 13, 2014

Full Body Workouts

Now you have no excuses.

Sometimes finding the time for working out is difficult. If you’ve missed your workout today don’t worry. Believe it or not, if you can take just a couple of minutes of your time for these listed workouts, you can still get in some needed exercise. Not only will you gain a cardio surge, but these exercises will work on all of your main muscle groups. Obviously this is no substitute for your regular workouts at the studio but they can still assist in a great calorie burn and keep your body stimulated while away from your regular workouts.

Just be sure to not rest after every exercise. These exercises should only take a minute or less each. Anytime you can make a minute to spare, use that minute to do these exercises. You can even do these multiple times each day.

The Power Push-Up Planks (aka, Burpees)

Stand up with your feet spread out just a bit wider than your shoulder’s length. Squat and put your hands down in front of your feet on the ground.
Either step or jump your feet out into planking position, tightening your abs by keeping your body lengthened, and hold the position while you count to 8.
Do only two push-ups, on your toes preferably or else on your knees. Step or jump your feet towards your hands, Get back up into your squatting position, and stand back up. Repeat this step 4 times.

The Superman

Lay down onto your stomach and stretch out your arms outward above your head (like Superman in flight) and keep your legs straight. Lengthen out your body and keep your tail bone tucked in, and then lift up your arms and your legs simultaneously. Hold this position for about 10 seconds.

Bicycling Abs

Lay down on your back and place your hands below your head, lifting your feet and legs, with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Lift up your head and your shoulders just slightly off of the mat. Rotate your torso so that your left shoulder is heading towards your right knee. Simultaneously, lower and extend your left leg. Repeat with your other side, and do this step 10 reps per side.

Three simple exercises you can do for a quick calorie burn practically anywhere to help stay in shape. Finding time for workouts for some of us is a difficult thing, if you have missed your workout and can spare a few minutes then this simple yet effective workout will keep your body sharp while you are away from your regular workouts.

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