Importance of Weekly Consistency In Your Workouts

  • By: admin
  • July 28, 2014


Consistent workouts are important in order to achieve your personal health and fitness goals. Taking the time to think out a workout plan will assist you in keeping consistent (remember-if you don’t plan you plan to fail). Keeping up with a regularly planned
workout will improve your health, fitness and give you a better sense of mental well being.

Creating A Plan For Consistency

In order to commit to a workout routine, you will want to choose your
activities based on how consistent you can do them, all you need is 30-60 minutes of exercise each time. Often times,
people will jump into working out without making a plan, unfortunately this doesn’t always work. Planning increases success in everything. So be sure to think about the days and times that you will be doing your training.

Planning carefully will assist you in achieving your goals. To remain consistent pick activities you can complete repeatedly. For the best results work out about 3 or 6 times each week. Also find a qualified trainer with experience and a well know track record to work with you in person, or use an online program like ours to keep you properly informed and motivated.

Schedule Your Workout

After choosing the activities, be realistic about the amount of time
you’re going to commit to each workout for consistency. Schedule a 5 minute warm-up, a 30 minute block of cardio and strength
training, and another 5 minutes to cool down. Write down the schedule in a workout journal dedicated to your training or put it as a reminder in your smart phone to keep yourself committed.

Impact Of Consistency On Your Physical Health

Keeping consistent workouts is important for your own physical health.
You will feel sore if you are exercising at the right level of intensity. Usually muscle soreness will last for 1-3 days. You will achieve the best results by building strength and flexibility gradually. Allow your body to adapt to your current level before increasing your intensity.

Consistent Workouts And Your Mental Health

Keeping a consistent workout will reduce your stress while increasing
your own mental well-being. Working out on a regular schedule lets
your body release endorphins which will enhance your mood. You may
recognize how this feels after a hard interval workout. Once the fatigue wears off you will start feeling a lift in mood and energy that is above your normal level.

The best benefits to exercising consistently is that when you feel great you have better interactions with others. Feeling great and having better personal relationships are the root of why we exercise. This leads to less stress with better relationships that lead to a better more fulfilling life!

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