The most common mistake people make when setting goals for themselves is being too vague and unrealistic. When you set unrealistic and vague New Year’s Resolutions for your health and fitness goals you set yourself up for failure. The most common one is, “I’m going to get fit for the new year”, and you rush off to join the closest gym in your neighborhood and in a few weeks the New Year Buzz fades away and you decide to give up. Instead of making these vague goals for yourself, start with simpler accurate resolutions and literally see the difference it makes in your health. Here are some examples of realistic, manageable, quantifiable and achievable goals:
1. I will limit my treats to one day a week.
2. I will take the stairs instead of the elevator everyday at work.
3. I will purchase sessions with my personal trainer to make sure I am on task with my fitness goals.
4. I will take the dog for a walk everyday.
5. I will limit my take out food to once per week.
6. I will write my goals down on paper and read them daily so I don’t lose sight of what I want to achieve.
These are just a few examples of what you goals setting should look like. These are things that are measurable and will keep you on track throughout the better part of the year. Being precise about your goals will set you up for success because you will be able to measure your progress. After all when we see progress we are motivated to keep going. The main thing is to create sustainable and objective results from your goals. And on a final note never give up, for those who have achieve great things have one thing in common, they are persistent and they never give up!
May you all achieve your health and fitness goals for 2014. Happy New Year!
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