The Best Kind Of Warm-Up For Strength Work Is Light Cardio

  • By: admin
  • June 2, 2014

Many individuals who often exercise have a routine warm-up set. Some trainers are so strict about their warm-up rituals that any changes may throw them off. This may easily be psychological or neurological. Finding the correct warm-up for your training may be a challenge due to the variables that enter your performance.

Light Cardio

Light Cardio

Using science can make figuring out the best warm-up for you complicated. Because some warm-ups enhance performance, a shadow is cast over several decades of trying different methods for building up your strength. In the event that one method worked better for building up strength, it may have just included a better warm-up. Warm-ups are not always mentioned in depth in scientific documents, which means that many assumptions could be false. A study was done that tried to determine the best warm-up possible and how it could affect our knowledge about strength.

Let’s be clear with what is being tried. Avoiding injury is one of several reasons warm-ups are important. Researchers in the study were only concerned about the warm-up’s impact on the expression of strength. It’s important to remember that a warm-up may build up your strength.

For this specific study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, researchers described the distinction between general warm-ups, such as jogging, and specific kinds of warm-ups. Specific warm-ups are considered to be a light version of or similar training exercise to the training you will be working on that day. In this particular study, researchers utilized an ergometer (Exercise bike) to warm-up for leg presses. They were pretty much doing a general and specific warm-up at the same time.

Researchers put together two different time-span warm-ups and two different intensity levels, producing four different kinds of warm-ups. A fifth research group did no warm-ups. The shorter length of time warm-ups, which took 5 minutes, showed results equal to the group that didn’t do any warm-ups. Basically, a warm-up that takes 5 minutes is not going to give you a boost in performance.

Longer warm-ups, taking 15 minutes, did alter performance, however. The high intensity warm-ups, bringing up the heart rate to almost 150 bpm, reduced strength. The low intensity warm-ups, which produced a heart rate around 115 bpm, increased limit strength.

There’s no official word about warm up sets for the exercise that you’re prepping for, however on the subject of training cardio warm-ups, keep it light and aim for 15 minutes. That’s all it takes to gain the benefits of an increased body temperature while avoiding unnecessary fatigue.

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